NEW GUIDE: Can I Do A Section 1031 Exchange With My Rental Property? [May 16th, 2024]

If you have clients that buy and sell rental properties, a Section 1031 exchange might be the right solution for them. But, the rules surrounding Section 1031 exchanges are complicated, leaving clients (and advisors) unsure where to start.

Using the Can I Do A Section 1031 Exchange With My Rental Property? flowchart you can quickly determine if your client may be eligible to implement a Section 1031 exchange for the sale and purchase of their rental properties.

This flowchart covers the important criteria a client needs to consider when determining if they can implement a Section 1031 exchange, such as:

  • The importance of using a Qualified Intermediary (QI) to help facilitate the Section 1031 exchange process.
  • Whether the client meets the appropriate ownership requirements and holding periods.
  • Understanding the important deadlines requirements for identifying and purchasing their replacement properties.
  • And more!

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