NEW GUIDE: Issues To Consider When Establishing & Maintaining My Emergency Fund [November 2023]
A well-established emergency fund is the foundation of any solid financial plan. But what exactly does that mean? Who decided that 3-6 months of expenses should be the rule of thumb? As advisors, we have the opportunity to guide clients through these essential questions.
Our latest guide, “What Issues Should I Consider When Establishing & Maintaining My Emergency Fund?” allows for more meaningful conversations on this often overlooked topic.
This checklist covers the key issues to consider such as:
- How to properly define an emergency fund that is appropriate for your client’s situation.
- Having a plan to address both expected and unexpected expenses in one’s emergency fund.
- Understanding how one’s emergency fund might intersect with other planning goals, and what implications that may carry.
- AND more!
BONUS: Want to share this checklist with your clients but aren’t sure how to present the topic? Use the complementary Guide Email Template! Simply copy and paste the template into your email and customize it with the client’s name and your share link, and you’re all set.