Pump Up Your Marketing

We often recommend using fpPathfinder to enhance your marketing efforts. While there can be as many marketing ideas as advisors, you may find a nugget or two in the Pump Up Your Marketing webinar recording. 

A high-level overview of what you can expect to learn from the webinar follows.

The Importance Of Specific & Measurable Goals

When your goals are specific and measurable, you can implement focused marketing tactics. The example in the Pump Up Your Marketing webinar re-envisions the general  “I want to grow my prospect list” goal as “Have actionable conversations with 20 leads who have equity compensation packages.”  When your goals are specific to what you want to achieve, you’ll have a clear marketing direction, and you’ll know how you’ll evaluate your success. The webinar provides other examples, which tie with the following marketing tactics.  

Gated Content

Gated content is a marketing tactic that invites a person to exchange information (like an email address) for the valuable information you have to offer. Checklists and flowcharts make for ideal content to offer as “bonus material.” When you watch the webinar, you learn how to implement gated content and some tips for quickly finding the right content for your audience. 


Collateral is low tech and high impact, which helps make this easy (and fun) to implement. As a marketing tactic, using collateral with your Centers of Influence can prove an effective way to earn that qualified referral. Listen to the webinar for the whole, simple idea that can make a big difference. 

Thought Leadership

Thought leadership can take a little more time to fully realize than the gated content or collateral tactics. In addition to defining your audience, you will build relationships with reporters, podcasters, video hosts, and professional organizations. Take time to plan how to build your credibility among those you want to serve, and then begin creating. Listen to the Pump Up Your Marketing webinar if you’re becoming a thought leader is a marketing tactic you want to implement. You’re sure to find some good information. 

Deluxe & Premier Membership

If you want to add some muscle to your marketing, either a Deluxe or Premier membership will help you accomplish that. Essentials members can upgrade by going to their Account Settings page. Then select Upgrade / Change and choose the level that moves you closer to your goals.

If you’re not yet a member, visit the Become A Member page and choose the membership level that’s right for you. Should you prefer a more personal touch, register for a live demonstration with our team and have all of your questions answered on the spot. 

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