Have A Plan To Claim Social Security Benefits

Just about every client should have a plan to claim Social Security benefits. Without a doubt, it’s a big decision and can be stressful for the client. 

To support Social Security conversations, fpPathfinder members can use the “What Issues Should I Consider With My Social Security Benefits?” checklist. Certainly, the checklist is beneficial in determining the best approach to Social Security retirement benefits and whether those benefits affect other financial planning goals. 

What Issues Should I Consider With My Social Security Retirement Benefits?

What The Social Security Checklist Covers

You’ll want to use the Social Security checklist to get ahead of inevitable conversations and be prepared to provide thoughtful answers to client questions. For example, the checklist will prepare you to:

  • Determine whether the client should file early or delay benefits.
  • Understand the claiming options the client has available.
  • Coordinate Social Security benefits with the spouse or ex-spouse.
  • Understand how the benefits may affect other tax-planning goals.

Your Clients Will Appreciate The Social Security Checklist

When you implement the checklist, you will help your clients distill a complex topic and create an actionable discussion. Additionally, you’ll expose the nuance that’s associated with Social Security retirement benefit planning. Your diligence can uncover several planning points the client may never have considered otherwise. 

Keep in mind, your client doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. Just imagine the confidence and peace of mind you’ll offer the client when you ask important questions before they occur to your client. 

Get The Social Security Checklist In Front Of Your Clients

The “What Issues Should I Consider With My Social Security Benefits?” checklist is one your clients are sure to appreciate. Premier fpPathfinder Members can use the Public Share Link to send the checklist to many clients efficiently before a meeting. It’s possible that Deluxe fpPathfinder Members may want to share the white-labeled checklist with clients during a meeting and offer it as a takeaway to fuel a future conversation. For the Essentials fpPathfinder Member, consider using it to prep for meetings so you’re ready to both ask and answer questions. 

Not yet an fpPathfinder member? We can help you with that. You can visit the Become A Member page to explore Premier, Deluxe, and Essentials membership and select the one that moves you closer to your goals. If you’d like a more personalized experience, register for a live demo with the fpPathfinder team. Bring your questions and we’ll be happy to answer them on the spot! 

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